Female fetish models: 50 Euro an hour.

50,00 €

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Female amateur models wanted for regular, ongoing shoots in Vienna. 50 Euro an hour

We are looking for open-minded female models to join our small team of independent content creators in making artistic videos on a regular basis.

We have a strict policy of:

-No nudity EVER!
-No men (Except cameraman)
-Videos will never be available to Austrian customers in order to protect your anonymity (Our online stores are geoblocked)

Models are always welcome to bring someone along for the initial shoot(s) for their own comfort or request to shoot alongside one of our longer serving models.

The types of projects we cover are very wide-ranging and often very innocuous including:

-Foot fetish
-Belly fetish
-Tongue fetish
-Sensual Food Eating
Etc etc.

Models are always welcome to wear a partial disguise of they so wish e.g., glasses, wig, make-up etc.

All looks, body shapes, sizes and ethnicities are welcome. Models should be at least 21 years of age.

I very much look forward to hearing from you and will answer any questions you might have.

26. Dezember 2024 12:51

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